Our core KWF team is made up of energetic, big-hearted ladies who believe in the power of FUN.
If you have any specific questions for our team, please reach out via email.
Cancer is not slowing down and neither is our mission to put FUN on the calendars of women and families LIVING with breast cancer. We're geared up and ready to give over 700 gifts of fun in the next year alone, and we'd love your support. If interested in becoming a KWF partner, fill out the form below and we will be in touch to create a customized partnership proposal that aligns with your mission, vision and values!
Our Recipient Ambassadors make up 1,000+ women touched by KWF. Whether you received a ‘gift of FUN’ a decade ago or have not yet taken that trip, you are always welcome to get involved. We have a variety of opportunities for our Recipient Ambassadors that include delivering gifts, volunteering at events, speaking at fundraisers, creating presents and more! To get involved fill out our volunteer form at the link below.
Our Medical Advisory Board is composed of 19 medical professionals in the Cincinnati area who bring a key medical perspective to the mission and vision of KWF.
Volunteers are a vital part of our mission! There are many ways you can get involved. With your help we can continue to put FunNow! on the calendars of women and families LIVING with breast cancer. To become a member of our volunteer team, please click on the link below.